Mrs. Wilber’s 5th grade class learned the importance of what it takes to be a good Digital Citizen.
What a great first day!! Math students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades learned about volume by measuring how much rice an aluminum boat could hold. Students had a great time working together and planning different shapes to find what held the greatest volume.
More photos of math students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades learning about volume by measuring how much rice an aluminum boat could hold. Students had a great time working together and planning different shapes to find what held the greatest volume.
4th graders taking a break from testing. These games allow students to continue the use of their critical thinking skills, and their ability to recall information quickly, all while having fun!
After listening to a couple chapters of a book, Third Graders did a timed pair share with a partner to tell them what they remembered. Students were given 30 seconds to talk while their partner listened with their whole body, then switched roles. After sharing students then drew a picture of a scene and presented to the class.
After listening to a couple chapters of a book, Third Graders did a timed pair share with a partner to tell them what they remembered. Students were given 30 seconds to talk while their partner listened with their whole body, then switched roles. After sharing students then drew a picture of a scene and presented to the class.
Students in Family Consumer Science review the Standard Response Protocol. SRPs are a guide for what to do in emergency situations. Student safety is important at Julesburg School District.
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More steam engine pictures...
Our JES Conductors of learning went off track a bit and took the their students out for a special treat. This story really picks up steam as our students cheered on the big steam engine as it choo'd choo'd through town. Nothing derails our school when it comes to learning! A special thanks to Jeana Johnson for get us on this train of thought and letting us know when the train left the station!
Jace Ehmke, is completing a quiz in his Architectural Design I course. During this semester, Jace will review various concepts used in the design and architecture field. He will learn about basic drafting equipment and how to use and maintain it. He will also analyze challenges and solutions within the development of design.
In addition, Jace will learn how to prepare drawings manually and using AutoCAD software. A substantial portion of his course will be spent on sequential processes so he develops an understanding of creating and annotating drawings as well as how to apply standard rules regarding line types, offset object, creating layers, and setting up a page for plotting. Jace will also explore three-dimensional drawing and use coordinating and navigation systems to create them.
JH Ag students are learning the Value of Agriculture on a Global Scale. Part of that is discussing the process of trading goods and services. The students were split into 3 group, each one representing either the US, Mexico, or Canada. They had to figure out what goods they have a surplus of and what they can trade with the other counties to fulfill their needs.
1st grade played a game called snowball today. Students wrote something interesting about themselves on a piece of paper. Then they crumpled the papers up to make them look like snowballs. After having a snowball fight, students grabbed the closest snowball and read what was on it to learn about their classmates.
Kindergarten has worked really hard this week. They spent the end of their day doing free exploration. Love their creativity!
It is so wonderful to hear all the music being created by our students at every level. We cannot wait to share what we are performing and learning!
My Junior High American History class was giving important points about our lesson on early settlers in North America.
Communication is the foundation of every relationship . . . being informed and staying connected requires effort from each and every one of us. That message was the kick off in today's Individual Career & Academic Planning class. Pictured are the sophomores and freshmen downloading a QR code for all things Julesburg School District including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They also downloaded the calendar for the Sedgwick County Cougar Athletes! The students then learned how to create additional folders in their school email accounts so they can keep the information for each of their classes organized.
Together WE can find ways to help ALL students SUCCEED!
Students in second grade learned about energy and friction by making spinning penny tops during their first day!
Each one made was unique. Students ended by having a spinning contest. The students got to take their tops home. What a great first day second graders!