November 25-30 Activity Calendar

The second grade students worked in groups to learn to count money. They picked two items to “purchase ,” added it up on the calculator, then “paid” for the items.

More pictures from Mad Science Day!

Several Julesburg School District 5th-8th grade students had the opportunity to attend the Mad Science event at NJC in Sterling. Students explored robotics, the skeletal system, DNA and chemistry through multiple experiments. More pictures to come!

JES 5th and 6th graders had a blast going on their virtual field trip through the Incan Ruins and soaring through the universe! Thank you so much to Zach Ruder, Mike Sullivan and Lacey Ramirez for sharing these wonderful learning tools with our students!

High school intern, Mr. Brycce Wilber, is helping teach first graders how to tell time to the half hour.

We started our Farm theme this week. We did an animal sort to determine which animals live on a farm. We also played sound detective to see what sounds we could hear on the farm.

Reminder: No School on Monday, November 18th!

JES got started on Kelso’s Choice lessons this week and students are learning how to manage conflict. K-6 are learning about small/minor problems vs. BIG/SERIOUS problems. Check for a parent note this week about our new program.

Math students are reducing fractions for the bell ringer.

First graders learning how to spell high frequency words with play doh.

First and second graders making pilgrims for art.

5th grade students are presenting their space debates! They leaned all about the Earth’s rotation, revolution and tilt, as well as, gravity and why we see different constellations at different times of year. Studying the patterns of our solar system.

First grade working on predicates of sentences during reading centers.

Art students in 7th grade are working on a weaving unit! Each student was introduced to weaving by doing a small circular weaving on old CDs and then move on to the table top loom!

Second Grade learns about reading temperatures in hot and cold containers then comparing them with their partners.

Second Grade learned about being a veteran from guest speaker, Mr. Lough. They had great questions and each student went home with a poppy as a reminder never to forget those in service to our country.

Kindergarten learning about more, less and same by using 2-color counters.

Thank you Rotary for coming to JES to present each one of our 3rd graders with a dictionary. We appreciate your continued to support of our students.

U.S. Naval Reserve Engineering Aid 3rd Class Petty Officer and former graduate of Julesburg High School, Zachary Kline, had a round table discussion with the juniors today about the importance of preparing for their post secondary plan.